Answering Your Toddler’s “Why” Questions


One of the most frustrating things about parenting is trying to answer your toddler’s “why” questions. It’s like they’re constantly asking you to justify why they can’t have more snacks, or why they can’t watch TV all day.

As a parent, it’s important to be able to explain things in a way that makes sense to your child and that doesn’t take an hour and a half.

The key is understanding where the question is coming from. Your child isn’t trying to be difficult. They just want to understand things around them and their place in this world. So, try some of these tips for answering those pesky “why” questions:

  • Try explaining things using examples from their own lives: “Why do we eat dinner before we go outside?” “Because we need energy for playing outside.”
  • Use analogies: “Why can’t we eat dessert before dinner as we do after dinner?” “Because if we ate dessert before dinner, it would be like eating cake for breakfast instead of cereal.”
  • Use comparisons: “Why can’t I watch TV all day?” “Because kids who sit on their butts all day end up with really bad backs.”

Petits Poussins LES, the top daycare in New York, offers a unique way to get your child ready for the world: by letting their natural curiosity guide them.

Our child care programs are designed to let kids explore at their own pace, in a safe and nurturing environment.

As childcare service providers, we believe that children should be able to discover everything they are interested in.

We also provide opportunities for communication and language development in New York City, New York that include interactive learning activities, art projects, and music and movement activities.

Contact us to enroll your child in our preschool.

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